Privacy Policy
1. Welcome
Dear customers. Thank you for your interest in our website and our products and services. All of us at APSON recognize and assure the right of people and persons to property, nature, privacy, development, and others.
2. Handling
We respect the protection of your data in all processes of correspondence, processing, transaction, storage, deletion, etc. Below we inform you in detail about the handling of your data. We request and use personal data for processing orders and deliveries.
Generally, we do not disclose data of our stakeholders or customers to third parties. For the fulfillment of the contract, we only pass on data from you to companies commissioned with the delivery to the extent that this is necessary
for the delivery of ordered products or services. For larger orders on account, we use data from you for credit check. To do this, we only provide necessary data, such as name, address, order value, to credit bureaus to estimate your
credit rating.
Address and order data are only collected and processed for own marketing analyzes and promotional purposes. You can object to the use of your personal data for advertising purposes at any time. This does not affect the processing
steps necessary to process your order or your order. Your personal data remain stored after the contract for tax and commercial storage requirements and will be deleted after the deadline. At your request, you can receive information
from us free of charge about the data we have stored about you or have your data deleted insofar as this is legally permissible. If you wish, please send us an informal message to .
3. Log Files
For security reasons and to check the functioning of websites, web servers store system-related and automatic data in so-called log files. The following are stored: language and version of the browser, name of the operating system used and its user interface
GUI, referrer URL (the address of the page you visited previously), host name of the accessing computer (IP address), date and time of the server request, time zone difference to Greenwich Mean Time, the request (concrete page), amount
of data transferred, access status or HTTP status code. Saving this data is systemic; it is not commissioned by us. These data are usually not assignable to certain people. We do not share this information with other data sources,
nor do we use them. These data are deleted after a statistical evaluation within the legally prescribed period of time.
4. Cookies
The APSON site does not use cookies - but if you want to comprehend, keep reading. Some website providers use cookies on certain pages. These are small site-specific text files that the visited site can write and read on your computer using your browser.
These text files serve as memory for the course of your session, and are updated for all the relevant actions you take while browsing the site. Cookies are harmless because the browser sends a particular cookie, upon request, only
to the site from which it originated.
If you visit a site that uses cookies, the browser is asked unnoticed for the cookie of *that* exact site. If there is a cookie, the content of the page can be customized according to the cookie. Session cookies are deleted
by closing the browser or clicking on a buy button. A shopping cart or notepad cookie is a permanent cookie. It stays on your computer so you can continue shopping when you visit the site again. You can dispense with the functionality
of cookies by inhibiting them in your browser settings. You can decide on the acceptance of cookies individually or generally. Also we do not use any Third-Party-Cookies.
5. Trackingtools, Trackingpixel, Google Analytics, Social Media Plugins
At APSON we do not use any of the above mentioned tools or processes.
6. Data Security
Your data is stored on a separate secure server that is inaccessible to outsiders. Therefore, we can not provide you with this data online.
a. Web - http vs. https protocol: The current APSON site is a semi-automatically generated static site (JavaScript is not required) in German and English, as well as in HTML and PDF, with around 100 primary
pages (internally around 1000 URL addresses). We do not offer data entry fields (web forms, comment function). Therefore https is not required. If we change that, we will transparently switch from http to secure https for the customer.
All primary URL addresses will be converted into short permanent links. You can then directly view information for each product using a web device of any type, simply by entering the domain name followed by the product name, for example .
b. E-Mail: We at APSON are ready to support all standard and all secure communication protocols requested by customers (we ask for specific request or suggestion). This makes it virtually impossible for unauthorized
entities to view the transmitted information. We strive to fulfill all duties imposed on the persons as well as sensible renewals. I hereby declare conformity to the data protection regulations. We are grateful for your trust as well
as suggestions.
APSON Lackiertechnik GmbH,
Harald A. Sonnleitner,
Managing Director.